
Tjej med många tankar och särskrivningar!

So confused..

Kategori: Allmänt

He was the most wonderful boy I ever knew.
Now he's gone
And it's all my fault!
I could have done it differently, then it wouldn't be like this now.
I am very messed up right now. 
I don't know how I feel about him.
I just know that i miss him so mush.
Miss all the things he said, all the things he did...
Miss everything about him...
But is it just that I miss?
Or do i miss him as a person too?

I wish i knew how i feel, and i want to know it right now!

If I only could meet him again..
Then i would stop the time and hold on to him for hours.
Never let him go.

I would of course cried until my eyes were dried out..
Maybe I would start the time again and tell him how sorry I am.
Sorry for all the things I said to him, for the things I did.
And just hope that he would forgive me.
If not, i would walk away, crying with the tears i've got left.

I just wish that it didn't happend - the things I said.. that it all would be the same again!

   Miss you...  



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